Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Roll over Beethoven. Ditch the 5th.

Beethoven's 5th Symphony has much to recommend it -- but I still don't like it. For me, the whole thing is way too martial, too militaristic, too bombastic.

Yet, it is so vigorous and well put together, who wouldn't admire it?

I agree with those who are certain Beethoven wrote it with Napoleon's victories in mind. At the time, Beethoven still believed in Napoleon as the liberator of Europe and the hope of the common person. Beethoven was thrilled that "the people" were sweeping out the nobility and beginning a new age of freedom (tho Napoleon eventually lost).

So Beethoven's attitude makes perfect sense -- for his times. Yet, for someone like me whose life has straddled the 20th and 21st Centuries, militaristic bombast seems absurd in light of the horrendous, genocidal wars that have marked the years since Napoleon's defeat.

I would rather hear a simple gospel song any day.

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