Monday, September 25, 2023

Rock on, Pop!

Always glad to see Poppa Jon.
Aside from being the guiding force behind this family, he is a very talented musician in his own right.
And he's a huge fan of Emmett, the only member of the band unrelated to him.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Songs that ain't got no melody

Tho I wish they did...


You can't go wrong with Jesus

Bluezark Mountain Melody

Where do you wonder?



4th verse for Rocky Top

Party Crasher

Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid

He devoted his life to Lynn, as her love slave

but not as her boyfriend


Apologies to our friend. You just never know what will spark the lyricist. Even with a good melody, somehow we don't think these lyrics will fly... but here they are anyway.
Scarface, Scarface,
you're really such a doll.
Scarface, Scarface,
won't you be my gun moll?

Scarface, Scarface,
do you know how I pine
Scarface, Scarface,
for you and your sign?

Vocal bridge
The perfect touch
on that little fillie
Well look at her blush
Oh don't you be silly
Scarface, Scarface,
you're quite the gun moll.
Scarface, Scarface,
for you I do fall

Scarface, Scarface,
she's a really big hit.
Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit

Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit

Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit

Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit
Copyright 2023 by Alan Cupton

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Billie: Porn messed up my head

In December 2021, the 21-year-old pop sensation Billie Eilish spoke with Howard Stern about her early exposure to pornography. Eilish told Stern that she began watching “abusive” images at the age of 11, and that this had warped her sense of how to behave during sex and what women’s bodies look like.

“No vagina looks like this,” Eilish told Stern. “I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn.”

Hearersb wereb struck by Eilish’s openness as “just a young girl being vulnerable enough to share those details with the world.”

Thanks Mike

For showing us that Ellen is in good physical condition!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Monday, September 11, 2023

Old Ship of Zion. Stanley Bros.

A capella harmony.
Gee, I had no idea that Tommy Dorsey wrote this. THAT OLD SHIP OF ZION

I was standing on the banks of the river
Looking out over life's troubled sea
When I saw that ole ship that was sailing
Is that the ole ship of Zion I see.

Its hull was bent and battered
From the storms of life I could see
Waves were rough but that ole ship kept sailing
Is that the ole ship of Zion I see.

At the stern of the ship stood the captain
I could hear as he called out my name
Get on board it's the ole ship of Zion
It will never pass this way again

As I step on board I'll be leaving
All my sorrows and heartaches behind
I'll be safe with Jesus the captain
Sailing out on the ole ship of Zion.
Lyrics by Thomas A. Dorsey
© Warner Chappell Music Inc.

Lyrics vary slightly among versions

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thanks Julz

Amazing you all squeezed onto that teeny stage.
Winning smiles
Statuesque beauty