Saturday, March 11, 2023

Bluezark Mountain Melody

Darn. I wish I had the ability to come up with a melody or some chords or something for this.
Oh Oh, Oh No
I've got a bad case of the bluezarks

Oh No, Oh Woe
I have really caught the bluezarks

Thought I was OK
when my baby went away
way down in the Ozarks

But Oh Oh, Oh No
I've caught a bad case of the bluezarks

I've got to get gone
got to make a run
to get me out of the  Ozarks

It's Oh No, Oh Woe
I can really feel them bluezarks

Thought I'd heal up fast
but Im really downcast
way down in the Ozarks

Oh Oh, Oh No
I'm lost down here in the Bluezarks

Copyright 2023 by Paul Conant